All Are Welcome
If you are new or with us for the first time, thank you for joining us for worship. We hope you will join us again. Please sign our guest book in the Narthex after church and fill out a visitor card. You may place it in the offering plate or give it to an usher.
Childcare – We welcome children and all their noises and fidgets in church. However, there is a clean, yet unstaffed, nursery in Cannon Hall if you need. Please feel free and ask an usher to direct you.
Receiving Communion – To receive the bread, simply hold your hands palms up. The wine may be taken from the common cup by drinking, placing your hand gently on the base of the chalice to guide it, or by carefully dipping the bread in the chalice. If you'd prefer not to receive Holy Communion but would instead like a blessing, please come forward and indicate that by crossing your arms over your chest
Mission of Redeemer
The mission of Redeemer, guided by the Spirit, is to worship God joyfully; to share the teachings of Christ; to provide an environment of acceptance, generosity, peace, love, and hope; to serve our church, our community, and the world in the Name of Jesus.
We respect the dignity of all persons regardless of national origin, race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. All are welcome to participate fully in all areas of our parish life.