Worship Reopened

Please read this letter from Bp. Seage, received at 2:30 Friday afternoon.

We will open worship following the bishop's instruction in the attached letter, including masks and social distancing at all times, limiting to 25% capacity, and keeping things brief.  Also, instead of signing up for worship electronically, there will be a sign-in sheet at the door. You must sign this sheet upon entering.

If we continue to promote and demonstrate wellness protocols, future closures may not be necessary, but the future is always a mystery that we encounter with Christian hope.

After meeting with Dr. Dobbs, I agree that virtual and outdoor gathering is best and encourage all who can worship online to do so.  I trust that those who choose to worship in the nave will take these precautions seriously.

If you have any questions, please email me directly at frmclarty@gmail.com or call/text my cell.

Fr. Andrew McLarty