Parish Press
March 7, 2021 — Lent 3
The mission of Redeemer, guided by the Spirit, is to worship God joyfully; to share the teachings of Christ; to provide an environment of acceptance, generosity, peace, love, and hope; to serve our church, our community, and the world in the Name of Jesus. We respect the dignity of all persons regardless of national origin, race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. All are welcome to participate fully in all areas of our parish life.
Serving this Week
Prayer List
For the sick: Elizabeth Wesse, Susan Benson, Daniel Waller, Emily Giust, Pat Donald
For those celebrating health: Gail Garbo
For those in need of peach and comfort: David Channell, Ann Partaine
Our Prayer List: Please go to
Hospital Visits, Home Visits, and Pastoral Care: If you need to speak to the priest about a pastoral care need, please call 601-790-1559. You can also schedule a meeting directly into Andrew’s calendar by visiting contact-info
Lenten study: this year, we will read The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence. The books have arrived and are at the entrance into the nave. Please come and get a copy if you would like.
Confirmation Class: will continue following church on Sundays at 11:00 am.
Announcements: if your group has announcements to go in the bulletin. Please email them to
African Team Ministries: This year, African Team ministries is continuing support of the church in East Africa with a virtual display of African crafts and jewelry. You can see for yourself and support this ministry by visiting
Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, P.O. Box 804, Brookhaven, MS 39602